Last week I spent in Monaco and southern france going from Monaco through Nice, Cannes, Avignon, and Ceret. These are some of the highlights.

Yacht size 5/5
In Monaco I tried couchsurfing for the first time, and thanks to my host, Jean Noel, I had a great first experience. He really embrace the couchsurfing spirit and took in FIVE couchsurfers at the same time, including yours truly. Although he tried to show us that Monaco is more than just rich people in yachts, from a little walk around the city, I realized it is not much more. It appears that there is just as much living space in water as there is on land. One thing Monaco has is a Formula 1 track, which is not always in operation, but I did get lucky my chance to ride the Fairmont Hairpin without any hindering traffic (yei!!).
Scary Sounds 4/5

After two nights in Monaco, I headed west, and first went through Nice and went for a short walk, then stopped for a really late lunch and laying on the beach in Cannes, where I hung out with Lili Pan (a couchsurfer I met in Monaco). I then leave to find a place to stay in Marsaille or on the way. However, when I leave Cannes I find some amazing twisting roads and at 23:00, I no really near any place to say. , Luckily I already packed some water and food, and I head into the wilderness. (Since I brought I sleeping pad I should probably use it). As I walk into the darkness, I reassure myself that there are no dangerous animals in southern France. However, the local wildlife is waking around with amplifiers, making the brown squirrel sound like the Bengal tiger. While I may not have slept much that night, partly because of how late I went to bed, and partly because I wanted to get up before I was caught sleeping in natural preservation, it was all worth it to watch the stars at night and the amazing sunrise the next day. Trip advice, go camping!
Castle Density 4/5

One thing I have failed to mention is the glorious density of castles in this country. While of course the prince in Monaco needs one, I really don't see who lives in all these magnificent places. After and early morning rise, I went to Avignon, which is on of the most beautiful cities I have ever seen. The pictures taken with my phone does not do it any justice. From Avignon the trip goes via the cost where I get some late lunch, before I go down to Ceret, and meet Ragna and Hedvig, who are apparently "working" on something, but I never see any real evidence for it. We have however a great time with motorcycle riding and cooling down in the river before I have to leave France and head towards the famous Barcelona! but since I am still here, I will tell you about it next time
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